Saturday, May 24, 2008

Frankfurt: Gypsies and the sweetest elevator you've ever seen.

Today I went to Frankfurt which was awesome! Frankfurt is like if you combined Richmond and New York and made it German, lots of skyscrapers and construction... but there are brats und schnitzels! We came upon a Flea Market and then went to the female Impressionists exhibit at the Shirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.

Then we had lunch at a beautiful hotel, but the best part was the PATERNOSTER! Here we (me, Oscar, and Nicolina) are trying it out:

Auf Wiedersehen!

Hallo Oscar!

We made it!
I don't know why we didn't keep this method... beats waiting for an elevator to arrive. And most of the elevators in Germany can only fit two or three people anyways! Far better, if you ask me.

Oh, and I saw Goethe's house.


Anonymous said...


Mary said...

I can't wait to show the boys these pictures. Can you race them? They will want to know.
Love, M

i love... said...

Haha, no you can't really race, they all move at the same pace and one goes up (the one on the left, that Oscar is riding) and one goes down (the one on the right).

But while you're moving you see every floor and the space in between, since it doesn't have any doors, which is probably the coolest part. And getting on and off at just the right moment.

Tell the Bonner boys I say "Hallo!"