So here's the low down on places in Germany with the name "Bad" in them. It doesn't mean that they are bad to visit and that you should stay clear, it actually means quite the opposite. "Bad" in German means "bathroom," so a place with "Bad" in the title is known for its springs. Typically, they have a famous spring that they bottle mineral water from and sell (Bad Neuenahr bottles Apollinaris mineral water). But what also comes with the spring? Awesome spas. Sadly, the weather was pretty cold so we didn't go in the springs, but that just means I'll have to come back!
Bad Neuenahr is also a beautiful wine town. All the vineyards grow on the sides of mountains, which means good wine but hard hard labor. Also, their wineries have the grapes grow on the slate along the mountain, which gives it a different taste. It's interesting how the slightest change in climate/location/mother nature's mood can make all the difference in the taste. Although, that goes for all farming.
I'll maybe post some pictures of Onkel Oswald later, my camera is all the way downstairs and right now I'm pretty lazy. But until then, I'd like to address a different topic... German Fussball.
You may or may not know, the European Fussball Championship started a couple days ago, and man is Europe excited. What I find funny is that Europeans call Americans overly patriotic, but the second the Euro Cup starts there are German flags everywhere. But it's all good.
You also may or may not know that Germany beat Poland, but lost their second game to Croatia :( I watched the half of the second game with my dad, Onkel Oswald, and Tante Angela in a small pub (the other half back at Oswald's house). It was like watching it with 20 extra Huberts in the room (plus one easily excited woman). So while Deutschland was losing to Croatia (pronounced "Cro-at-chia" in German, which sounds so funny) I realized...
Deutschland Fussball players are mighty fine. So here's an ode to my favorites...
Lucas Podolski
Wooo! Longest post ever!
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